November 30, 2021
Customer Experience

Reimagine CX With Voice-AI Solution

Manish Gupta
5 min to Read

Reimagine CX With Voice-AI Solution

Right Message, Right Time, Right Channel

Contact centres are struggling with a multi-fold rise in customer discontent and bounce rate as a result of inane response systems, resulting in connectivity failure points between businesses and customers. Despite the fact that businesses have started to adopt automated solutions in recent years, Voice-AI, like any technological innovation, confronts a myriad of challenges. Interacting with virtual agents to handle queries is not always satisfactory for most customers. Only a few of them stand out among the tens of thousands in the marketplace.

Let’s take a look at some of the issues that businesses encounter while adopting such applications.

CX With Voice-AI Solution

Customers expect personalised query resolution in a human-like manner, similar to how they communicate with one another. In today’s fast-moving world, they seek accuracy and have little tolerance for dead-end interactions. According to Hubspot, 90% of customers say that real-time query resolution is crucial in order to save time and effort of skimming through a large queue. One of the biggest disadvantages of inept voice-based solutions is that they are insufficiently trained to interpret and decode multiple languages, emotions and dialects, resulting in inaccurate responses with the long waiting times. Inefficiency increases when they deliver pre-prepared and unfiltered solutions in a cold voice and even worse stop interactions abruptly leading to customer frustration and abandonment.

According to Salesforce, 54% of customers report that companies need to transform and innovate how they engage with them. The need of the hour is a proactive automated voice response system to provide quick, accurate and engaging solutions to the customer needs. According to Martech, by 2022 consumer spending via voice assistants is expected to increase up to 18%. Customers want solutions more than just a novelty label, while enterprises want to effectively automate responses to voice calls to pave the way for brand cultivation and nurture customer relationships to create strategic advantages.

CX With Voice-AI Solution

Mechanics Of Voice-AI

Impactful Conversations

Natural language processing engine comprehends customer intent based on historic customer logs and gives accurate responses in a natural manner. Even when the context of the dialogue changes, the NLP engine understands the syntax, semantics, discourse, and intent of the interaction

CX With Voice-AI Solution

AI-Agent With Feelings

With emotion and tone analysis, the platform easily spots churn signs, unpleasant sentiments, and resolve customer issues accordingly. In addition, when the mood is positive, it provides up-sell or cross-sells signals.

Multilingual Integration

Innovative algorithms train the system to understand and converse in multiple languages and are deployed in minimal time frames.

CX With Voice-AI Solution

Speech Recognition

Automated speech recognition with custom trained advanced models to process audio data by converting speech to text in real-time overcoming challenges like background noise, accent, inconsistent quality and dual-channel separation, with enhanced word error rate.

Intelligent Routing

Monitors customer comments, pick out the negative or complex ones and routes them to the relevant agent or department.

Converse To Engage With Rezo

Rezo’s AI-Powered Contact Center offers cutting-edge voice-AI technology for businesses with relevant insights from customer queries in real time. It has been trained leveraging innovative and complex algorithms to recognise, analyse, and understand customers’ multiple intentions, feelings, and emotions, as well as their language, terminology, and accent, and to converse without robotic commands or stilted words. With intelligent routing and automation, it frees up human agents to focus on higher value tasks. The end result is elevated customer engagement, faster resolution, and low expenses for businesses.

Discover how we enable Autonomous Voice with AI-Powered Contact Centers at

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